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Multimedia Technology

Planning of systems for data transmission

No modern building can function without multimedia technology. Even in residential buildings today, telephone connections, DSL and connections for cable TV are part of the basic equipment of a normal living standard. In industrial buildings, public buildings or special buildings such as clinics or laboratories, multimedia technology is even indispensable for the operation of the building.

What belongs to multimedia technology?

Multimedia technology is a sub-area of supply engineering and has several tasks to fulfil. These include, for example, communication with the outside world via telephone systems, data cables, antennas and other equipment. So-called hardware is included in multimedia technology. These are in particular

  • Cables and wires for the transmission of messages and signals
  • Terrestrial and satellite antennas for transmitting and receiving signals
  • Other equipment such as control cabinets, interfaces, routers and signal amplifiers (boosters)

In many buildings, multimedia technology is concentrated in a control centre or control room where the various cables and lines converge and communication is coordinated.

Another task of multimedia technology is internal communication. This refers to the transmission of signals or messages within the building. This category includes, for example, systems and equipment for building automation, but also security systems such as fire alarm systems, alarm systems against burglary or systems for access control or time recording.

Multimedia technology works in 2 directions: transmission and reception. From the term multimedia it is already clear that this technology is about linking different technologies with each other.

Why is multimedia technology so important?

Netzwerkkabel & Serverschrank

© PantherMedia / Wavebreakmedia

Because it represents the connection of the building with the outside world. No company today can exist for long without communicating with suppliers and customers, for example. Not only large corporations, but also medium-sized companies and even craftsmen deliver to customers abroad. For this, communication via the Internet is indispensable.

A company that does not operate its own website is no longer taken seriously. Even freelancers and self-employed people use the Internet as a platform for their marketing.
In addition, more and more machines are controlled by computers. To prevent their software from becoming outdated, it must be updated at regular intervals by downloading it from the Internet.

Multimedia technology is at least as important in building automation. For example, multimedia systems do not only sound the alarm in the event of a fire or burglary, but also pass this alarm on to the fire brigade, the police or a security service.

Tasks of technical building equipment in the field of multimedia technology

Already during the first design of the building the shafts and pipes have to be planned, which will later accommodate the cables and pipes. Rooms that are particularly important for the functioning of the building, for example data centres or control rooms or switchboards, must be particularly well protected against fire and external influences.


This can be achieved by installing fire doors or even automatic extinguishing systems and a video surveillance system. Data centres often will be installed with a particularly powerful air conditioning system. It may also be advisable to have an emergency power supply for these neuralgic systems.


The multimedia technology field is not only responsible for planning and installation, but also for maintenance. Multimedia technology is very complex and overlaps with several other areas of supply engineering or building services. It is impossible to imagine modern buildings without it.

Despite the ongoing development of wireless communication (for example, with the expansion of the 5G network), its importance will grow as wired communication is more reliable and can connect to the outside world even in underground or shielded rooms. Multimedia technology has become a field of study with a course of studies that is offered at several German colleges and technical universities.

Multimedia technology is a comparatively young yet demanding field of supply engineering. Our experienced employees will be happy to help you to make your work a success! Please contact us.